The relationship between cannabis operators and cannabis testing labs is plagued by an imbalance of information. Labs provide an enormously complex service with fundamental impact on product perception and velocity. Meanwhile, operators have very little visibility or understanding about how the test results are derived and why. This information asymmetry creates unseen liabilities for operators. It also distorts the price and performance negotiations between operators and labs.

IronStem can help by providing wrap-around services to operators as they navigate the testing landscape. Adopting a strengths-based, needs-driven approach to negotiating with your lab can help you optimize the relationship to fit your strategic vision. In the long-run, you can get better outcomes from your testing activities and increase the value of the relationship by understanding some of the intricacies of what's under the hood of your testing lab. Ultimately, you want to be able to use the data from your laboratory to make faster and more informed decisions without expending more than necessary. We can help!

At the end of the day, the testing lab works for you. Nothing about your testing lab should be a mystery. IronStem can help you pierce the veil, rebalance the flow of information, and reach better outcomes at lower cost.